Middlesex County founded in the year 1785 has a population of more than 0.1millions of people with about 61000 households and 40000 families. The population density is around 0.4K people per square mile. Today Middlesex County is just a cluster of towns on a map, and does not have any meticulous authority.
A relevant and comprehensive assemblage of records makes this Middlesex site the most eventful online provider to the genealogical researchers and public record hunters resolving everyday issues. The well arranged database archive delivers a great choice of records including public birth and marriage records, divorce decree, death license, obituary, burial and cemetery notice, land assessment records, census data, immigration and naturalization records, war and service records, military historians and veterans, ancestral SSN, will and estate data, civil war, world war 1 & 2 enlistment, and many more.